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interior balcony looking down to couches by double height windows. Potted plants on both levels

IAQ and Healthy Space Research

Healthy Space is a research initiative from DLR Group launch in 2017 that converted all of the firm’s offices to living labs in an effort to quantify indoor air quality.

  • One monitor per 5,000 SF in each office measured:
    • Temperature
    • Relative humidity
    • Carbon dioxide
    • Particulate matter, aka PM 2.5
    • Total volatile organic compounds, aka TVOCs.
  • We pursued RESET certification in all offices. The performance-based standard requires that carbon dioxide, TVOC, and PM 2.5 levels are within an optimized threshold based on best-practices and third-party research.
  • Early in the study, we collaborated with the Harvard T. Chan School of Public Health.
    • In Study 1, 24 lab participants took cognitive function tests. The study determined the types of cognitive functions most impacted by cognitive function and TVOCs were:
      • Strategy
      • Information usage
      • Crisis response
    • In Study 2, the study expanded to look at a sample of green buildings outside a lab environment.
    • In Study 3, 10 participants per 100 buildings provided direct, responsive feedback related to their cognitive function.
  • Because of the way our initial study was set up, we were able to donate our data set to the Harvard School of Public Health CogFX study.
  • Ten of the 100 locations in the CogFX study are DLR Group offices.
  • Those 10 locations also have 10 DLR Group employee-owners each participating in the study.
  • Results are to come out shortly.


Watch more details about the study.


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